NEEDS of Stepping Stone Church you may be able to help with:

  • Tithes & Offerings

    Please send in your tithes and offerings to Stepping Stone Church: 165 Smith Road; Gouverneur, NY 13642. Or drop them off. Thank you for regularly sending them in.

  • Sunday School & Nursery

    Do you have a heart for Children? We have an opportunity for someone to assist with Sunday School and/or nursery.

  • GriefShare 2025 Coordinator

    Use your organizational skills to help coordinate admin, advertising, etc. for GriefShare 2025.

  • Visit or Call Church Members

    There are beloved Church members who need encouragement from their brothers & sisters in Christ. We need folks to visit or call shut-ins or people who join us via Zoom.

  • Website Coordinator Intern

    Would you like to serve as a website coordinator intern? Please see Sydney Lesson or Pastor Orv.

  • Entryway Magazine Rack

    Need someone to arrange and stock entryway magazine rack with tracts, Christian magazines, and children's books for the changing seasons.

  • DVD Library

    We have many Christian DVD’s that we’d like to loan out to folks. Would you be the one who can help set up and run a DVD lending library?

  • Musicians

    Come join our own Stepping Stone Worship Team. Practice is at 4:30pm each Friday. We need guitar players! Contact Mike Armes.

  • Blessing Box

    Stepping Stone Church sponsors a Blessing Box at 23 Prospect Street, in Gouverneur. See Donna Moore for information.

  • Show the Chosen DVD's

    Are you interested in showing THE CHOSEN series as an outreach to our community? You pick the dates/times. We have been gifted several seasons of DVDs.

  • Song Requests

    Do you have song suggestions? Please fill out a 3x5 card and put it in the collection plate.

  • Stepping Stone T-Shirts

    Order more Stepping Stone T-Shirts - find digital file, work with T-Shirt maker Donna Benjamin, to see if she can make more (price, size, quantity, etc.)

  • Sports Balls

    Do you have new or gently used sports balls you could donate to needy kids overseas? Please see Joe Lacks for details.

  • Help Move our Piano

    We need volunteers to safely remove the piano from our Sunday School building.

  • Would you like to be a mentor for a teen?

    Please see Pastor Orv if you would like to be a mentor for a teen.

  • Need Prayers

    Remember to pray for: Ukraine Churches; Israeli Hostages; Our Nation's Borders; Suicide Prevention; and our own youth.