NEEDS of Stepping Stone Church you may be able to help with:
Tithes & Offerings
Please send in your tithes and offerings to Stepping Stone Church: 165 Smith Road; Gouverneur, NY 13642. Or drop them off. Thank you for regularly sending them in.
Sunday School & Nursery
Do you have a heart for Children? We have an opportunity for someone to assist with Sunday School and/or nursery.
GriefShare 2025 Coordinator
Use your organizational skills to help coordinate admin, advertising, etc. for GriefShare 2025.
Visit or Call Church Members
There are beloved Church members who need encouragement from their brothers & sisters in Christ. We need folks to visit or call shut-ins or people who join us via Zoom.
Website Coordinator Intern
Would you like to serve as a website coordinator intern? Please see Sydney Lesson or Pastor Orv.
Entryway Magazine Rack
Need someone to arrange and stock entryway magazine rack with tracts, Christian magazines, and children's books for the changing seasons.
DVD Library
We have many Christian DVD’s that we’d like to loan out to folks. Would you be the one who can help set up and run a DVD lending library?
Come join our own Stepping Stone Worship Team. Practice is at 4:30pm each Friday. We need guitar players! Contact Mike Armes.
Blessing Box
Stepping Stone Church sponsors a Blessing Box at 23 Prospect Street, in Gouverneur. See Donna Moore for information.
Show the Chosen DVD's
Are you interested in showing THE CHOSEN series as an outreach to our community? You pick the dates/times. We have been gifted several seasons of DVDs.
Song Requests
Do you have song suggestions? Please fill out a 3x5 card and put it in the collection plate.
Stepping Stone T-Shirts
Order more Stepping Stone T-Shirts - find digital file, work with T-Shirt maker Donna Benjamin, to see if she can make more (price, size, quantity, etc.)
Sports Balls
Do you have new or gently used sports balls you could donate to needy kids overseas? Please see Joe Lacks for details.
Help Move our Piano
We need volunteers to safely remove the piano from our Sunday School building.
Would you like to be a mentor for a teen?
Please see Pastor Orv if you would like to be a mentor for a teen.
Need Prayers
Remember to pray for: Ukraine Churches; Israeli Hostages; Our Nation's Borders; Suicide Prevention; and our own youth.