Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Every Third Thursday, 9:30am
(no men’s gathering)

Maundy Thursday
Potluck & Seder Meal (Last Supper) Explained Service in Fellowship Barn, outreach to “10 Little Churches.” If you’d like to help, see Pastor Orv.

Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Every Third Thursday, 9:30am
(no men’s gathering)

Bus Trip to the Ark Encounter & Creation Museum
Bus trip to the Ark Encounter & Creation Museum
Sponsored by Harrisville Christian Church
Contact Marianne Dicob at: 315-767-0189; mdicob@icloud.com; or Marianne Dicob, P.O. Box 423, Harrisville, NY 13648

Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Every Third Thursday, 9:30am
(no men’s gathering)

New GriefShare Session Starts
New GriefShare Session Starts
13 Sessions: Daytime 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Nighttime 6:00-7:00 p.m. (Sunday School Building, in person and on Zoom)

New Bible Study Class
Two classes; one hour each: First hour is a survey of the Bible in 52 weeks. Second hour is a detail on Exodus and Numbers - a more detailed walk through the books of the Bible.
Available in Person and on Zoom

Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Every Third Thursday, 9:30am
(no men’s gathering)

Committee Reports Due
Committee Reports: written report to Sydney Leeson [church secretary] and budget $$$ figures to Noreen Boclair [church budget coordinator] .
Christmas Party Outreach to Edwards Senior Center
Christmas Party Outreach to Edwards Senior Center. Please sign up to help with soup and sandwiches.
![WatchFire Youth [7-12] Christmas Party](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/678b35f94efaf402bd68772a/1737176576473-3O788VMVIV47HY74I39X/watchfire+youth1.png)
WatchFire Youth [7-12] Christmas Party
WatchFire Youth [7-12] Christmas Party
Right after church!

GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
Meet in Sunday School Building and on Zoom.

GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
Meet in Sunday School Building and on Zoom.

Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Fellowship Breakfast at Bob’s Diner
Every Third Thursday, 9:30am
(no men’s gathering)

Thanksgiving Message
Thanksgiving Message at Harrisville Christian Church (Mike Gault’s church).

GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
Meet in Sunday School Building and on Zoom.

GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
Meet in Sunday School Building and on Zoom.

GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays"
Meet in Sunday School Building and on Zoom.

GriefShare "Loss of a Spouse"
“Loss of a Spouse”
Meet in the Sunday School Building and on Zoom.

GriefShare "Loss of a Spouse"
“Loss of a Spouse”
Meet in the Sunday School Building and on Zoom.

Shoebox Packing Party
Shoebox Packing Party right after church. Need packers, and people to load/deliver the shoeboxes to our local drop off point.